- Description
Have you ever seen the cartoon called Casper the Friendly Ghost before? Casper the Friendly Ghost is a famous dramatic cartoon series and Casper is also the name of the cartoon’s dramatic personae. As his name-Casper the Friendly Ghost indicates, Casper is a ghost, he is quite friendly, pleasant and personable, yet. Casper also became fashionable for a time. Ahem! Hurry up and have a look at the Friendly Ghost of GS-JJ who is your particular Enamel Pin Manufacturer. Let me introduce ourFriendly Ghost Custom Pins to you. Our friendly ghost is different with Casper in the shape, but they are both cute, friendly and have a pair of big eyes. Our Friendly Ghost Custom Pins is made from white enamel, die struck with dye black. Each pin has a back butterfly clutch to make your Friendly Ghost Custom Pins firm on your jacket. You must like him very much. Come to take him home now. Find more cartoon enamel pins at GS-JJ.com
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