
Photo Ornaments
Photo ornaments are one very treasurable ornament you can find in any home. Each photo filled with memories of special events and occasions hung across the room during festive periods or happy moments. Photo ornaments are unique because they could be filled with pictures of any member of the family in various designs like a baby’s first Christmas photo ornament.
What a fantastic way to get memories with custom photo ornaments. There are so many kinds out there, but there are a few questions to be considered when getting them.
- Do you want to add the age or date of the person on the photo ornaments?
- Will you like glass or something that will not break?
- What particular shape of custom photo ornaments would you like to get?
- Are you going to put a picture a person or maybe of a place that you went on vacation or those amazing sporting events?
The photo ornaments can be for all occasions such as Wedding or Anniversary, New House or First House, First Christmas together, Christmas baby, Annual Christmas image, in memory of someone special, Prom, sports you were involved in for that year, the holiday that lasted for that year, new car, special birthday, pets, new jobs, universities and many others.
Types of Custom Photo Ornaments
An example of photo ornaments is personalized photo Christmas ornaments. These ornaments are unique, affordable and involve creativity. Conventionally, it involves cutting a piece out of a picture or inserting the whole picture into a frame or structure (either small or big) and hanging it on a Christmas tree. The simplicity of this type of custom photo ornaments cannot be overemphasized.
Below are various types of photo ornaments you can consider for the next Christmas holidays;
Wood Slice Photo Ornaments
The use of wood slices as wooden photo ornaments is another simple way to design your Christmas tree. You necessarily don’t have to start carving out slices from a tree before you can accomplish your purpose, you just need to order for wood slices online, and it will be delivered to your doorstep. Holes are drilled into these wood slices in different sizes depending on the size of the picture. This process may not be as simple as described, but it deserves the effort put into making it.
Glass Photo Ornaments
The use of glass photos as custom Christmas ornaments needs careful maintenance. This personalized photo Christmas ornament only requires two things; a frame or glass ornament and a photo to fit into the glass ornament. The photo is carefully placed into the glass ornament without tearing or distorting and then hung beautifully on the tree.
Photo Block Ornaments
A photo block ornament is simple, easy and fun. It allows you to put several pictures on display, especially when you have difficulty selecting your best. These photos are placed into a small wooden box with 4 sides to accommodate the pictures, designed with a ribbon at the top and sprayed with metallic paint. This wooden box is hung on a Christmas tree as custom Photo Christmas ornaments for decoration.
Ruler Photo Ornaments
Unlike every other personalized ornament, this makes use of rulers and other materials like ribbons and boxes to make an ornament. A favorite photo can be selected out of many and placed within this ruler frame. This doesn’t come easy as there is drilling involved, which is best done by experts. This ruler photo doesn’t necessarily have to go with your Christmas tree; hanging at one visible position in the room is enough.
What Kind of Photos you can add to the photo ornaments?
The following are photos you can easily add to photo ornaments for those amazing memories:
1. Use of Black & White Photo:
The use of the black and white photo as an ornament is very simple. Its usefulness is only possible if you have a Christmas tree with white lights on and you want something simple and easy; give about 20 minutes, and you are done decorating your tree with black and white photo Christmas ornaments. Most people do this so they would display only pictures with memories on them, rather than attach other types of ornaments like custom ornaments with it.
2. Use of Kid’s Christmas List:
This is adorable and cute will certainly be an understatement. Kids are made to believe that Santa receives their list on Christmas Eve and grants them all their wishes. Even if this isn’t totally true, the kid gets a present, and the list is just another way to design the Christmas tree. The older these kids get; the sooner they realize that the list doesn’t do much but useful as an ornament. To make this ornament more interesting, favorite childhood pictures are tagged with the list and hung on a Christmas tree.
3. Use of Family Tree Photo:
This may be quite emotional but creative and interesting to do. If you have old photos at home of either your parents or grandparents or great-grandparents and other family members or relatives, this could be very useful because it brings families together and allows you to celebrate in unison. These family photos bring good memories, and even visitors can easily identify members of your family as a whole. Also, like every other photo Christmas ornaments, they can be hung in descending order on a Christmas tree.
These are just to name a few. Photo ornaments can be fun because it does not have to be an image; it can just be where you went on holiday.
Or the house you lived in when you were born. Maybe it's a picture of your favorite plant in your garden. It's an image so it can be anything you want to remember. We have made special ornaments for dogs.
When it comes to a reliable resource for acquiring custom photo ornaments, GS-JJ is a brand you can bank on anytime. Our photo ornaments are fashioned by a set of the finest craftsmen you can find around. There are no rules about what you can do, so you don't need to worry. It is very easy to get a photo ornament. An opportunity GS-JJ is ready to offer you to print those incredible moments you always want to remember with our creativity. Buying photo ornaments from GS-JJ are a great gift for Christmas!
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