- Description
We are familiar with 26 letters. We always whisper the song of 26 letters. However, Do you know what they mean? A is the first letter. It can represent grades of achievement. In general, grades are graded into four levels. A is the best grade. You can set Letter A Custom Made Patches on your clothes or hat. It will bring you good luck and make you more confident. No minimum for all customized orders at GS-JJ.com.
Letter A Custom Made Patches each patch measures 2 inches wide(measured from the widest point) by 3 inches tall, with 75% coverage. It consists of blue and red. Simple and elegant. Our Custom Patches at incredibly low prices! Design a patch and we will help you make it perfect. Free setup, free shipping, and free artwork. What's more, you also can customize other letters patches for yourself.
Embroidery Style: 75% Embroidried
Patch Size: 2 inches wide and 3 inches tall
Embroidered Border: Heat Cut Border
Embroidered Backing :No Backing
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