- Description
Elm Street cultural arts village is a non-profit theatre founded in February 2002. It seeks to create vibrancy for the community through the arts, such as theatrical arts, visual arts, music, dance, etc.
The design of Elm Street Custom Challenge Coins is quite simple. The logo of elm street is shown on the obverse. On the reverse, You can see “Bright Star” – the name of a Broadway famous drama and the date of the show. You can collect them as your personalized coins if you are fancy of art. It would be a good option for gift-giving as cool challenge coins if your friend is also a fan of drama.
Elm Street challenge coins are made of soft enamel and polished with antique brass. You will always find a style GS-JJ coins belong to yourself if you follow GS-JJ.com, otherwise, you can create custom coins by yourself at our website. A wide range of colors and designs discount challenge coins will never disappoint you.
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