- Description
These custom made wristbands are made for a famous figure --Kyrie Irving, who was born in Melbourne, Australia in March 23,1992, a professional basketball player of America. Now, he is working for the Boston Celtics of the NBA. 11 is his number in Boston Celtics.
Checking the detail of these cheap custom wristbands, the figure name” Kyrie Irving” was debossed on them in upper case, and then a engraved image of Kyrie Irving was set aside of the name. So we name them “Kyrie Irving awesome wristbands” accordingly.
In addition to the name and the image, there were a logo for Bostom Celtics and the team number 11 of Kyrie Irving debossed on these Kyrie Irving awesome wristbands. All contents are around just one protagonist--Kyrie Irving. So, that’s why we said these rubber wristbands custom cheap are made for Kyrie Irving.
As to the deboosed fonts, all are filled with white color, matched the green Kyrie Irving awesome wristbands well. Both Kyrie Irving’s fans and the cheerleaders of the team are suitable to wear.
It is popular to customize cheap wristbands for a figure in some huge occasions, if you need to customize wristbands no minimum like these, GS-JJ can help you well.
Custom Wristbands Size: 8*3/5
Thickness: 1.5mm
Style: Debossed with one color filled wristbands
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