- Description
As the Best Enamel Pin Manufacturer, GS-JJ is an over 20 years old pins maker. Award pins are also what we specialized in. Such as the 50 Years Ans Custom Pins, the number “50” is written in the center of pin, two ribbons are intertwined together, holding around number “50”. The words “year ans” are written on orange ribbon, the numbers “1968-2018” are written on green ribbon. The whole pin was outlined with gold to highlight the honorable 50 years. Send every employee or teammate the 50 Years Ans Custom Pins as gift. The pins are more than just gifts; they also contain the honor and recognition to employees and teammates for years of service. Each pin’s background is well sandblasted and includes a standard butterfly clutch. Each pin is individually poly bagged.
Learn more about GS-JJ’s award pins, the year’s design is available for year 1 to 100. If you want to start service incentive program and make unique year award pins for your staff, click on below “customize” option to start free design now.
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