Challenge Coins
A Challenge Coins is a small coin or medallion (usually military), bearing an organization’s insignia or logo and carried by the organization’s members. In addition, they are also collected by ser...
Custom Treat Bags For Halloween
Custom Lapel Pins for Halloween Pumpkin This Halloween celebrates the holiday spirit with timeless decor that won’t make you too afraid to sleep. Order some Halloween lapel pins to scare away any un...
Solidarity with Puerto Rico
The Hurricane Maria The Category 3 storm has sustained winds of 125 mph, the US National Hurricane Center said that in just 24 hours, Maria dumped almost 40 inches of rain on parts of Puerto Rico, whe...
Black Cats
The Folklore Around The Black Cat Varies From Culture To Culture The Scotsman believes that a strange black cat arrives at home, which means prosperity. In Celtic mythology, a fairy known as the Ca...
People always said, the soldiers are the loveliest person, it’s true. There is a special group of soldiers, we should pay more attention to serve and honor, the men and women who are veterans. The v...
Fairy Chrysanthemum
To Know More About Chrysanthemum In the ancient myths and legends, Chrysanthemum was given auspicious, longevity meaning. It symbolizes clean, noble, love, nostalgic, noble character mean. There is a...
Jazz Music
Jazz is a music genre, originated in the 19th to early 20th century as interpretations of American and European classical music entwined with African and slave folk songs and the influences of West Af...