Now people’s social awareness is slowly improving and public welfare activities are naturally more and more. We can see some people with some colored ribbons or ribbon lapel pins. What do you mean by these ribbons and ribbon lapel pins? Under what circumstances will they only use them?
White ribbon lapel pins
- Recognize bone cancer
- Genetics
- Against men’s violence against women
- Women’s rights movement
- Against youth and child pornography
Yellow ribbon custom pins
- Call on the people to support the army of their own country (ie, ‘support our army’)
- Suicide awareness and prevention
- Thinking of the family
Blue ribbon custom enamel pins
- Understanding and prevention of joint sclerosis
- Preventing prostitution and human trafficking
- Understanding prostate cancer
- Prevention of colorectal cancer
- Freedom of speech
- Support online freedom of speech
- The spiritual symbol of anarchism
Emerald ribbon custom metal pins
- Anti-Hepatitis B discrimination
Purple ribbon custom pins
- Caring for and supporting urban slum youth
- Understanding lupus erythematosus
- Know Alzheimer’s disease
- Against religious discrimination
- International anti-violence campaign
- Recognize pancreatic cancer
- Meet the sheep epilepsy
Orange ribbon custom lapel pins
- Against child abuse
- Understanding leukemia, lymphoma
- Representing resource regeneration in Niger
- Protect kangaroos
- Suicide prevention for minors
- Recognize brain cancer
- ADHD (hyperactivity disorder)
- In some rural areas of the United States, the orange ribbon says “like to drink cocoa”
Red ribbon soft enamel pins
- Focus on AIDS and infected people
- Prevention of drug abuse incidents
- Recognize blood cancer
Pink ribbon hard enamel pins
- Breast cancer prevention (breast cancer)
Colorful red ribbon custom lapel pins
- Support the gay human rights movement
Puzzle ribbon shirt pins
- Understanding autism
Ribbon and ribbon lapel pins are just used in the above activities. Wearing ribbons and ribbon shirt pins is to raise people’s awareness and call for people to actively participate in public welfare activities and contribute to human society. If your organization or event needs such a ribbon custom metal pins, we can customize it for you at a favorable price. Our company has customized charity custom lapel pins for many of these charity events and we have rich experience in this area. Custom lapel pins website: