A Challenge Coins is a small coin or medallion (usually military), bearing an organization’s insignia or logo and carried by the organization’s members. In addition, they are also collected by service members.
Besides using coins for challenging, they are also used as rewards or awards for outstanding service or performance of duty. Military officials occasionally give them for outstanding service or rewards.

The Bull custom coins for the 14th BEB. The 14th BEB rewarded soldiers by presenting them with coins to recognize their achievements. The 14th Brigade Engineer Battalion is a Combat Engineer Battalion of the United States Army based at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington. A battalion is a subordinate unit of the 2nd Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, and I Corps. And the battalion’s official motto is Duty first.
The military coin features with closing eyes bullhead, and 1.5 inches in width, minted in solid silver with an antique finish. The front of the coin bears the BEB symbol building in red enamel color. The back of the coin mainly displays the “Presented for Excellence” with the logos of the Battalion’s other five combined departments. The challenge coins must be earned by the awesome soldiers for their great performance and special accomplishment.
The battalion is comprised of: Headquarters and Headquarters Company (Renegades), Forward Support Company (Fury),570th Sapper Company (FIDO),571st Sapper Company (Rock), and 610th Engineer Support Company (Ghost Riders).
The mission of the 14th Engineer Battalion (Combat) is to, on order, deploy worldwide and conduct engineer operations in support of Army, Joint, or Combined operations. What they have done are great efforts and support the United States Army. They ask GS-JJ to make this special award coins for their honorable members.